

Writing at St Peter’s

At St. Peter’s we believe in creating regular opportunities for children to write independently, allowing their imaginations to flourish. Through using the Power of Reading scheme, we teach writing through a wide range of rich texts, including everyday classics such as Good Night Mr Tom and Warhorse. The children are taught writing in units, focusing on one genre of writing at a time. This is varied across the school where one year group could be looking at Shakespeare and another year group at Poetry.We believe in an ‘ideation’ process that gives the power to the children to mould where their writing goes in the first week of a topic, with formal writing mostly taking place in the second and third week. This allows the children to use their own ideas throughout the writing process. We are building a ‘Community of Writers’ here at St. Peter’s where the clear aim is for everyone to love writing and to link this very closely to their reading; raising standards and achievement across both.

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