Headteacher's Welcome

It gives me great pleasure as the Headteacher, to welcome you to the St Peter’s R.C. Primary School website.

St Peter’s is a happy, thriving school family with a strong Catholic ethos. This permeates all areas of school life and is at the heart of our philosophy of education. Our whole curriculum is rooted in a religious understanding of life, where the gospel values underpin our efforts to provide a quality education for all.

In all that we do, we aim to create a happy and secure environment, where children want to come to school in the knowledge that they feel unique and valued as members of God's family. We aim to create aspirational targets for our children, increasing their potential for achievement in life, whilst holding on to their Christian values and duty to care for all in God's world.

Our aim is that children at St Peter’s will become confident, lifelong learners. We want our children to develop a love of learning, fostered through teaching which is responsive to individual needs. We offer an engaging, relevant and challenging curriculum and believe that children need to leave our school with the core skills and personal qualities that will equip them well for the next stage in their education, as well as in life beyond school. We can best achieve this if we work together and foster a positive partnership between home and school.

I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher of this wonderful school and I hope that the information on our website will give you a taste of the many opportunities on offer here for our pupils.

In our School Prayer it says, ‘we are all stars in God’s eyes’ and we ‘learn and grow together to be the best we possibly can, every day.’

Please feel free to contact Mrs Brown or Miss Bullen in the school office on 020 8270 6524 or office@st-peter.bardaglea.org.uk with any queries you may have.

Mrs Clare Scott


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