At St Peter’s we are proud of the enriching and inclusive opportunities that we provide for our children throughout their time at our school. We provide engaging experiences that bring children enjoyment, challenge, develop their skills as a whole person and deepen their life experiences. Through our curriculum we plan enriching opportunities such as trips and workshops, as well as providing fulfilling opportunities that extend beyond the National Curriculum expectations. Many photos and evidence of the enriching experiences that we have taken part in can be found on our twitter page @stpetersdag.

Below are details of just a few of the enrichment opportunities at our school.



Since Spring 2021, St Peter’s has been open and offering a fantastic holiday and food activity programme for our children through our provider ‘Inspire Minds Through Sports’. Many of our children attend this enriching programme which provides children with experiences and allows them to take part in a huge variety of activities over the holidays. Our children love taking part and have gained so many wonderful memories from these clubs.


Trips and workshops:

We enjoy taking our learning outside of the classroom and allowing our children to explore different places that deepen their understanding. We also invite visitors and hold workshops in school to share others’ expertise with the children and provide them with more fun, learning experiences that they will remember. Recently our children in Years 3&4 are taking part in projects that will enhance our outdoor areas. With expert gardeners they are planting and growing trees and vegetables. Every year children in Year 6 have an amazing time on their residential trip where they gain a wealth of new skills and experiences.



Clubs at St. Peter’s are inclusive and enjoyable for our children. They range from a variety of different sports clubs, to Choir club, Coding club, Phonics and many more.


Cycling and Swimming:

In Years 4 and 5, children are provided with the opportunity to attend a course which teaches children about cycling safely on the road and gives them chances to practise with cycling trainers and experts. Children in Years 3&4 and the Nazareth Rooms are also invited to go to weekly swimming lessons over the course of a term.



As a Catholic school, we have many assemblies and collective worship throughout the week which helps to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We also have a number of special themed days or whole weeks that we celebrate and promote together as a whole school for example, Science Week, Women’s History, World Book Day, Black History Month and Diversity Day. In addition to their own class assemblies, which they share with the whole school, we provide many opportunities for our children to perform in shows such as the Nazareth Rooms Pantomime, the Nativity, Carol Concerts and the Year 6 Production.


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