Breakfast Club

The school runs a very successful Breakfast Club.  

The clubs are managed by Miss Cosburn and are staffed by Teaching Assistants and Midday Assistants who also work in school and therefore know our children.

The clubs are exclusively for pupils at St Peter’s.

Breakfast club opens 7.30am – 8.45am (last entrance at 8.30am) £3.50 per session. All payments are to be made in advance via the bookable system in Parentpay.

  • You will need to complete a Breakfast club registration form for us to set this up on your Parentpay account.
  • If a Breakfast club registration form is not completed then your child will not be able to attend.  
  • Payment must be paid in advance.
  • Payment must be paid by midday at least one day before you want your child/children to attend Breakfast club and not on the morning you want them to go.   
  • Attendance on a Monday must be paid by midday on the previous Friday.
  • A parent/guardian must bring the child/children to Breakfast club. An older sibling in the school will not be allowed to bring your child/children.
  • If you do not have enough money on your account your child will be refused entry.
  • It is your responsibility to make sure your child’s parent pay is in credit at all times for Breakfast club.     

If you have any queries regarding the above please do not hesitate to see Mrs Brown or Miss Bullen in the School Office.

Many thanks

Please make sure a responsible adult drops your children off at breakfast club and not an older sibling from the school who will then either go home or out to an adult waiting in the car. Once your child is on school premises they are expected to stay.

Please complete a registration form and hand into the School Office or Breakfast Club for your child to attend Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club



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