Nazareth Rooms – Additional Resource Provision (ARP)

At St. Peter’s RC Primary School, our Additional Resource provision is for children with moderate to severe learning difficulties and complex needs. On top this, some children may have complex medical needs. Our ARP is known as the Nazareth Rooms, is a 12-place resources that accommodates pupils from Year 1 to Year 6. With our Nazareth Rooms, we are able to offer education for children staffed by specialist teachers and support staff.

All children that have a place in our Nazareth Room, have Education Health Care Plans and the children are allocated spaces by the local authority. As we are an ARP for children with moderate to severe learning difficulties, we are unable to admit pupils with autism and behaviour difficulties (please refer to ARP admission criteria).

All pupils based in our Nazareth Rooms, also have a mainstream class. Depending on their needs, the majority of the Nazareth Rooms pupils spend 3 afternoons a week in their mainstream class with some children being supported by support staff from the Nazareth Rooms. The children in the Nazareth Rooms mix with their mainstream peers every break and lunch time; they attend whole school assemblies, class and whole school mass, whole school celebrations, year group trips and they attend clubs and lunchtime activities.

The Special Educational Needs/Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCO)/Inclusion Manager
Mrs Fiona Sapiano


Additional Resourced Provision manager for children with complex needs:
Mrs Sallyanne Gray


Additional Resourced Provision teacher for children with complex needs:
Miss Stephanie Doe


Our Support Staff:

Ms Bombi and Ms Brown


As an ARP with specialist teaching, we can offer:

  • Teaching environment suitable to meet the learning needs of each child
  • Data system, which records the children’s step by step progress
  • Individual targets, that are tracked daily
  • Educational psychologist for the ARP
  • Modified Maths and English curriculum to meet the needs of all children
  • Pre-teaching of vocabulary
  • Support for their speech, language and communication needs
  • Social and emotional support
  • Fine and gross motor skills

As well as learning in the ARP, the children have access to different sporting activities, the children have had the opportunities to take part in: boccia and swimming. The children also represent the school at Panathalon Competitions and Disability Inclusion Games.

As a school, we recognise that children do their best when parents and professionals work together in partnership. We value the support and contribution from parents. As well as supporting parents as best as we can. We have workshops and coffee morning, to communicate with parents regarding and concerns or ideas they may have. 

The Nazareth Rooms are always open to support both children and parents in any way they can.





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